It’s Our County
Logo Design
Client requirements
It’s Our County are an independent local political party in Herefordshire. They were started by people, just like you, who were fed up of the way things were being done in their name locally by members of national parties based in London. In less than 5 years they have become the largest opposition group on Herefordshire Council.
It’s Our County came to Here For Design to help them visualise a new logo design, one that captured their inclusive philosophy, being at one with the County and the residents they represented.
My part of the project
Having previously designed the logo for ‘It’s Our City’ in a more aggressive and assertive ‘Rubber Stamp’ style it felt right to soften the approach and make the new logo more inviting, inclusive and welcoming.
A simple two-colour design was eventually selected, with the O and the C shaking hands, expressing the ‘working together’ aspect of what the It’s Our County does every day.